Friday 12 March 2010

A Year since my last entry

I can't believe how time flies. I wanted to give an update for anyone considering the PAO surgery. I had my surgery October 08 and it is about eighteen months on from then. I can safely say now that I live a pain free life. The only lasting implications for me have been:

1. Flexibility in my left hip is less than before and less than my right hip (but it is still within the normal range.

2. My left hip feels slightly tighter sometimes.

And that is it!! I swim, walk loads, run after the children, still do pilates,and have even been known to wear high heels occasionally.

It is true that I will have to look after my left hip well, by ensuring I exerciseand stretch it, and I am still determined to get more flexibility back. But... I am soooooo chuffed that I had the op. All of the teething problems and aches and pains have now pretty much been remedied by a combination of time and exercise. Hooray!